Monday, January 5, 2009


Sometimes, I find, it's so easy to forget to stop and smell the roses...or plumeria, in our case. The last couple days, with all of our dwelling-drama slowing down a bit, Evan and I have had a chance to soak in some of the amazing, natural beauty of this wonderful place. There is definitely a reason that Maui is referred to as 'the magic isle,' and a reason why it's unofficial Hawaiian slogan is 'No Ka Oi,' or 'the best.' This place is absolutely magical, and as far as I'm concerned it's the best as well. Yeah, so tourism is down, and the developers are transforming the beautiful acres of sugar cane into sub-developments. It's a shame, but there is still so much to be amazed at.

The pictures included are of our backyard, the plants outside our window, and of course Evan in our car. For those who are curious, we bought a Honda Element, and it has been a wonderful car, though it does definitely resemble a toaster in appearance. For that reason, and after driving it up and down all sorts of dirt, gravel and unpaved roads we have named it "The Brave Little Toaster." Coincidentally we learned that both of us were lovers of the movie of the same name as kids... go figure.

As of now, we've explored a good 70-75% of the island, and we have big plans to finish all the roads within a week or two. The nice thing about living on an island is that you can only go so far, and so many times before you know the place like the back of your hand... Speaking of which, I don't remember that freckle...

With week one behind us, we are happy to be feeling a little more at home, and a lot more secure that this is where we are supposed to be. Given the heart break that accompanied our arrival at would-have-been home number 1, we are glad to be feeling like all things will work themselves out with a little time, and a little patience. One thing we have to keep reminding ourselves of, me especially: Relax! This ain't the mainland. And isn't that exactly why we came here in the first place? The answer to that question... A resounding, "Oh, hell yes!"

Well, that's it for now, folks, the beach is calling our names. Sorry about all the snow back home. We'll keep sending warm trade wind thoughts your way!

Much Love and Aloha,
a & e

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