Friday, February 13, 2009

Alanna's First Job (post college)

I never thought, in all my years as a theater student, that the problem I would face post college would be one of, 'which job offer do I accept?' as opposed to, 'why can't I find work!' But wouldn't you know it, here I am with three different paths I can choose to walk down. As much a surprise to me as being offered jobs is the fact that I am finding myself drawn to teaching. Maybe its the 'Teaching Artists Training Program' that I am about to begin, or just a want to bring more kids into the theater, but somehow teaching is appealing to me in a way it never has before. I think there is definitely truth in what my mother has told me from her experiences, 'you learn so much when you are teaching.' I know that, even with college behind me, my quest for knowledge will not be leaving me anytime soon. I think the experience of learning while working in my chosen field will be a thrilling and rewarding one, and I look forward to being able to share more of my experiences as I have them. Thanks to all of you who cheered me on through the years! Looks like little Lani's career path is starting to carve itself out. Hooray!